Social Media Resolutions You Can Steal for 2022

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to set resolutions for your social media efforts. You may have thought about these goals in the past, but setting resolutions for these this year can be a great reminder and a helpful way to prioritize them.

It may not make sense to work on all of these at the same time. If you’re new to social media or haven’t thought about posting this way in the past, it may be better to take baby steps toward improving your efforts.

Only Create Value-adding Content

It can be easy to get into the habit of posting just to post. Especially when you feel like you need to get something out on a given day, but don’t have anything new to share. In these scenarios, it’s better just to not post.

By publishing meaningless content, you’ll depreciate the trust you’ve built with your audience. To save yourself from getting to this point, try to always have content scheduled out a few weeks in advance. That way, you have plenty of time to develop new posts and ideas instead of always scrambling at the last minute.

Limit Promotional Posts

Just like it’s important to develop content that adds value to your audience, try to limit how many posts you make promoting your business. Instead, use content marketing to show off your expertise and teach your audience something. Through your valuable posts, your followers will begin to see your brand as a trusted expert on your topic.

If you do have a special sale or new announcement to share, you can incorporate that into your content queue, but try to limit these to only once every two weeks. Remember — people don’t want to follow a social media account that just posts ads for themself.

Promote Your Blogs for an Entire Year

You put all this effort into crafting an incredible blog and then you only promote it a handful of times. Something doesn’t add up here. It’s important to recognize the long-term value of your content. Most blog posts can be promoted for an entire year on social media before being revisited. In fact, there’s a good chance your followers won’t see your post the first time around and if they do, they might not click on it. Get the most value out of the content you’re creating by developing a year-long drip campaign to promote it across your social media pages.

After the year is up, revisit your blog and look for opportunities to update it or provide more information. Then, you can republish it and queue up another year of social media promotions.

Incorporate Content from External Sources

One of the strongest ways to establish your value is by congregating important articles from other relevant sources. By sharing articles from other publications you know your audience will care about, you give them even more of a reason to follow you.

Try to avoid sharing posts from your competitors — it can be helpful to think about adjacent industries instead of directly related ones. Curate is a great tool for finding posts to share.

Publish Multiple Times Daily

On most platforms, it’s no longer acceptable to only publish a few times each week. In fact, publishing daily isn’t even enough. You should aim to publish a few times each day on every platform you’re active on. For reference consider publishing:

  • 2-3 times/day on Facebook
  • 2 times/day on LinkedIn
  • 4-8 times/day on Twitter
  • 3-4 times/day on Instagram
  • 5-8 times/day on Instagram stories

For more information on publishing frequency, reference this article.

Remember, you shouldn’t worry about publishing in real-time. By using a social media scheduling tool, you can save yourself tons of time and headaches. Instead of having to spend all day switching from platform to platform, you can instead spend a few days each month batch scheduling your social media posts to go live.

Focus on the Platforms Your Audience Uses

Just because there are tons of social media platforms out there doesn’t mean you should use all of them. Instead, consider which platforms your audience uses and focus on those. When you try to publish everywhere, you end up diluting your messaging, reducing the quality of your content, and wasting your time.

Use Missinglettr to Automate Your Social Media Efforts

Missinglettr makes it easy to accomplish all of your digital marketing goals, whether you have an established marketing team or you’re a solopreneur. Use Missinglettr to automatically develop new drip campaigns for each of your published articles, schedule content across all your social media platforms, and curate posts from external sources.

Get started today with a free trial to explore the power of Missinglettr.

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